Glucokinase (GCK) is a gene which plays an important role in recognising how high the blood glucose is in the body. It acts as the “glucose sensor” for the pancreas, so that when the blood glucose rises, the amount of insulin produced also increases. This means that the blood glucose does not become too high if glucokinase is functioning normally. Changes in the GCK gene can lead to increases in blood glucose and affected people may be diagnosed with diabetes although this rise in blood glucose is mild and usually does not need treatment. Glucokinase diabetes is one of the familial diabetes types that together are often called MODY (maturity onset diabetes of the young).
What does it mean if there is a change in the GCK gene?
How is Glucokinase Diabetes Treated?
The Management of Pregnancy in Patients with Hyperglycaemia due to Mutations of the Glucokinase (GCK) gene
How Does This Affect Other Family Members?
Research Articles
Advice/Clinical Enquiries
For further information or support please contact Dr Maggie Shepherd 01392 408261 (mornings) or email or Professor Andrew Hattersley
Further Training – Monogenic Diabetes within Maternity Services with a Focus on Genetic Testing for Glucokinase Hyperglycaemia (GCK)
This is a training tool designed for diabetes specialist midwives and other healthcare professionals working within diabetes maternity teams. This e-learning training tool has been developed to support healthcare professionals within maternity services to develop their knowledge and understanding of monogenic diabetes, with a focus on genetic testing for a subtype of this condition known as glucokinase hyperglycaemia. It is designed for educational purposes and is not a substitute for professional guidance or advice.
Please click here to download a PDF version of this information
MODY Request Form – use for GCK, HNF1A, HNF4A, MIDD, and other rare types of diabetes