RILD Building, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, Barrack Road, Exeter, EX2 5DW, UK


Monogenic Diabetes Training Course – 22nd -23rd June 2020

“Monogenic Diabetes – right diagnosis, right treatment”                    


 Monday 22nd June – Tuesday 23rd June 2020 

 Registration now available online HERE

This two day course on Monogenic Diabetes is aimed at consultants, SpRs and experienced DSNs, and is designed to help busy clinicians recognise and treat patients with MODY and other forms of monogenic diabetes. It will focus on the current practices and new developments in the management of monogenic diabetes.

The programme will include plenary lectures on major topics delivered by Prof. Andrew Hattersley and his team of international experts. Separate small group case-based discussions will focus on key themes.  There will be ample opportunity for interaction, networking and multi-disciplinary team development.

Highlights include:

Day 1: Common forms of monogenic diabetes

  • Strategies to diagnose monogenic diabetes
  • Recognising and managing the different forms of MODY: including HNF1A, HNF4A and GCK
  • Management of MODY in pregnancy
  • Managing treatment change in monogenic diabetes

Day 2: Rarer and more complex forms of monogenic diabetes

  • Complex genetic syndromes with diabetes
  • HNF1B
  • MIDD
  • Inherited causes of insulin resistance, including lipodystrophy and insulin receptor mutations
  • Neonatal diabetes: genetic causes and effective management
  • Genetic testing in the future

Approved by the Federation of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom for 12 category 1 (external) CPD credits.

Feedback from delegates attending previous Monogenic Diabetes Training Courses included:

“Course organisation is amazing, speakers are very knowledgeable and experienced”

“Remains the best course of classification/MODY in the world”

“An extremely worthwhile and valuable course. I would definitely recommend to my registrar colleagues.”

Registration for 2020 course available online HERE or for more information please contact the Course Coordinator Becky Dobbs on  or  telephoning +44 1392 408182.

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