Lead Site & Contact Details
Study Team
Chief Investigator:
Professor Angus Jones
Study Team:
Lucy Gates (Experimental Medicine Officer)
Anita Hill (BRC Diabetes Project Manager)
Email: rduh.ResearchReferrals@nhs.net
Phone: 01392 408181
Professor Angus Jones
Lucy Gates (Experimental Medicine Officer)
Anita Hill (BRC Diabetes Project Manager)
Email: rduh.ResearchReferrals@nhs.net
Phone: 01392 408181
Why does diabetes, and its associated complications, progress quickly in some patients and much slower in others? The Improving Clinical Care in Diabetes (ICCD) study aims to determine the predictors of differences in diabetes progression. This study will help us to understand the reasons for variation in progression seen in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, which is important for developing new treatments to slow progression, and help doctors identify those patients who will rapidly progress. These patients may benefit from closer monitoring, and use of alternative treatments that may slow progression.
We will recruit 2000 participants with diabetes aged 16 years old and above. We will record clinical features, biomarkers, medical history and diabetes treatment, and seek consent to use and store left-over samples taken as part of routine clinical care or in some cases take extra blood tests as part of the study. We will follow participants for up to 10 years after recruitment using electronic healthcare records where available and by re-contacting participants (by phone, email or in person) to collect data that will inform diabetes progression including treatment change and development of diabetes complications.
This will be a low cost study with minimal patient burden without the need for frequent face to face participant research visits.
ICCD Study Participant Information Leaflet
ICCD Study Consent Form
To take part in ICCD, please complete the Expression of Interest